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LM317 LM339 MAX232 NE555 LM324 7805 2N3055 LM358 2N2222 74LS138 TDA7294 TL431 IRF540 1N4148 G45A

Datasheets found :: 1726161
Page: << | 7908 | 7909 | 7910 | 7911 | 7912 | 7913 | 7914 | 7915 | 7916 | 7917 | 7918 | >>
No.Part NameDescriptionManufacturer
316481BFR194PNP Silicon RF Transistor for low dis...Infineon
316482BFR194PNP Silicon RF Transistor (For low distortion broadband amplifiers in antenna and telecommunications)Siemens
316483BFR20Professional transistor, general purpose switchesSGS-ATES
316484BFR20Transistor for general purpose amplifiersSGS-ATES
316485BFR21Professional transistor, general purpose switchesSGS-ATES
316486BFR21Transistor for general purpose amplifiersSGS-ATES
316487BFR28NPN Transistor industrial typeSiemens
316488BFR280RF-Bipolar - NPN Silicon RF transistor for low noise, low power amplifiersInfineon
316489BFR280NPN Silicon RF Transistor (For low noise, low-power amplifiers in mobile communication systems)Siemens
316490BFR280TSilicon NPN Planar RF TransistorVishay
316491BFR280TWSilicon NPN Planar RF TransistorVishay
316492BFR280WNPN Silicon RF Transistor for low noi...Infineon
316493BFR280WRF-Bipolar - NPN Silicon RF transistor for low noise, low power amplifiersInfineon
316494BFR280WNPN Silicon RF Transistor (For low noise, low-power amplifiers in mobile communication systemsSiemens
316495BFR29Field effect transistormble
316496BFR29Field effect transistor N-channelmble
316497BFR29Silicon n channel field effect transistor, insulated GATE FET (MOST)Mullard
316498BFR30Field effect transistormble
316499BFR30N channel junction field effect transistorMullard

316500BFR30N-channel FETNXP Semiconductors
316501BFR30N-channel field-effect transistorsPhilips
316502BFR30Tranzystor polowy złączowy (FET): kanał nUltra CEMI
316503BFR30LSmall Signal JFETON Semiconductor
316504BFR30LT1JFET Amplifiers(N-Channel)Motorola
316505BFR30LT1Small Signal JFETON Semiconductor
316506BFR30LT1-DJFET Amplifiers N-ChannelON Semiconductor
316507BFR31Field effect transistormble
316508BFR31Field effect transistor N-channelmble
316509BFR31N channel junction field effect transistorMullard
316510BFR31N-channel FETNXP Semiconductors
316511BFR31N-channel field-effect transistorsPhilips
316512BFR31Tranzystor polowy złączowy (FET): kanał nUltra CEMI
316513BFR31LSmall Signal JFETON Semiconductor
316514BFR31LT1JFET Amplifiers(N-Channel)Motorola
316515BFR31LT1Small Signal JFETON Semiconductor
316516BFR34NPN Transistor industrial typeSiemens
316517BFR340FRF-Bipolar - NPN Silicon RF transistor in TSFP-3 package ideal for Low Noise Amplifiers and OscillatorsInfineon
316518BFR340FNPN Silicon RF TransistorInfineon
316519BFR340L3RF-Bipolar - NPN Silicon RF transistor in TSLP-3 package ideal for Low Noise Amplifiers and VCO ModulesInfineon
316520BFR340TRF-Bipolar - NPN Silicon RF transistor in SC75 package ideal for Low Noise Amplifiers and OscillatorsInfineon

Datasheets found :: 1726161
Page: << | 7908 | 7909 | 7910 | 7911 | 7912 | 7913 | 7914 | 7915 | 7916 | 7917 | 7918 | >>

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