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Datasheets found :: 1726161
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No.Part NameDescriptionManufacturer
1548601TC4404MJAThe TC4404 and TC4405 are CMOS buffer-drivers constructed with complementary MOS outputs, where the drains of the totem-pole output ...Microchip
1548602TC4404MJA1.5A dual open-drain MOSFET driver.TelCom Semiconductor
1548603TC4405The TC4404 and TC4405 are CMOS buffer-drivers constructed with complementary MOS outputs, where the drains of the totem-pole output have been left separated so that individual connections can be made to the pull-up and pull-down sections oMicrochip
1548604TC44051.5A DUAL OPEN-DRAIN MOSFET DRIVERSTelCom Semiconductor
1548605TC4405COAThe TC4404 and TC4405 are CMOS buffer-drivers constructed with complementary MOS outputs, where the drains of the totem-pole output ...Microchip
1548606TC4405COA1.5A dual open-drain MOSFET driver.TelCom Semiconductor
1548607TC4405COA713The TC4404 and TC4405 are CMOS buffer-drivers constructed with complementary MOS outputs, where the drains of the totem-pole output ...Microchip
1548608TC4405CPAThe TC4404 and TC4405 are CMOS buffer-drivers constructed with complementary MOS outputs, where the drains of the totem-pole output ...Microchip
1548609TC4405CPA1.5A dual open-drain MOSFET driver.TelCom Semiconductor
1548610TC4405EOAThe TC4404 and TC4405 are CMOS buffer-drivers constructed with complementary MOS outputs, where the drains of the totem-pole output ...Microchip
1548611TC4405EOA1.5A dual open-drain MOSFET driver.TelCom Semiconductor
1548612TC4405EOA713The TC4404 and TC4405 are CMOS buffer-drivers constructed with complementary MOS outputs, where the drains of the totem-pole output ...Microchip
1548613TC4405EPAThe TC4404 and TC4405 are CMOS buffer-drivers constructed with complementary MOS outputs, where the drains of the totem-pole output ...Microchip
1548614TC4405EPA1.5A dual open-drain MOSFET driver.TelCom Semiconductor
1548615TC4405MJAThe TC4404 and TC4405 are CMOS buffer-drivers constructed with complementary MOS outputs, where the drains of the totem-pole output ...Microchip
1548616TC4405MJA1.5A dual open-drain MOSFET driver.TelCom Semiconductor
1548617TC4420The TC4420/4429 are 6A (peak),single output MOSFET drivers. The TC4429 is an inverting driver (pin-compatible with the TC429), while the TC4420 is a non-inverting driver. These drivers are fabricated in CMOS for lower power, more efficientMicrochip
1548618TC44206A HIGH-SPEED MOSFET DRIVERSTelCom Semiconductor
1548619TC4420CATThe TC4420/4429 are 6A (peak),single output MOSFET drivers. The TC4429 is an inverting driver (pin-compatible with the TC429), while ...Microchip

1548620TC4420CAT6A high-speed MOSFET driver. Logic noninverting.TelCom Semiconductor
1548621TC4420COAThe TC4420/4429 are 6A (peak),single output MOSFET drivers. The TC4429 is an inverting driver (pin-compatible with the TC429), while ...Microchip
1548622TC4420COA6A high-speed MOSFET driver. Logic noninverting.TelCom Semiconductor
1548623TC4420COA713The TC4420/4429 are 6A (peak),single output MOSFET drivers. The TC4429 is an inverting driver (pin-compatible with the TC429), while ...Microchip
1548624TC4420CPAThe TC4420/4429 are 6A (peak),single output MOSFET drivers. The TC4429 is an inverting driver (pin-compatible with the TC429), while ...Microchip
1548625TC4420CPA6A high-speed MOSFET driver. Logic noninverting.TelCom Semiconductor
1548626TC4420EATPower Management- Power MOSFET DriversMicrochip
1548627TC4420EMFThe TC4420/4429 are 6A (peak),single output MOSFET drivers. The TC4429 is an inverting driver (pin-compatible with the TC429), while ...Microchip
1548628TC4420EMF713The TC4420/4429 are 6A (peak),single output MOSFET drivers. The TC4429 is an inverting driver (pin-compatible with the TC429), while ...Microchip
1548629TC4420EOAThe TC4420/4429 are 6A (peak),single output MOSFET drivers. The TC4429 is an inverting driver (pin-compatible with the TC429), while ...Microchip
1548630TC4420EOA6A high-speed MOSFET driver. Logic noninverting.TelCom Semiconductor
1548631TC4420EOA713The TC4420/4429 are 6A (peak),single output MOSFET drivers. The TC4429 is an inverting driver (pin-compatible with the TC429), while ...Microchip
1548632TC4420EPAThe TC4420/4429 are 6A (peak),single output MOSFET drivers. The TC4429 is an inverting driver (pin-compatible with the TC429), while ...Microchip
1548633TC4420EPA6A high-speed MOSFET driver. Logic noninverting.TelCom Semiconductor
1548634TC4420EPAGPower Management- Power MOSFET DriversMicrochip
1548635TC4420IJAThe TC4420/4429 are 6A (peak),single output MOSFET drivers. The TC4429 is an inverting driver (pin-compatible with the TC429), while ...Microchip
1548636TC4420IJA6A high-speed MOSFET driver. Logic noninverting.TelCom Semiconductor
1548637TC4420MJAThe TC4420/4429 are 6A (peak),single output MOSFET drivers. The TC4429 is an inverting driver (pin-compatible with the TC429), while ...Microchip
1548638TC4420MJA6A high-speed MOSFET driver. Logic noninverting.TelCom Semiconductor
1548639TC4420VATPower Management- Power MOSFET DriversMicrochip
1548640TC4420VMFThe TC4420/4429 are 6A (peak),single output MOSFET drivers. The TC4429 is an inverting driver (pin-compatible with the TC429), while ...Microchip

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